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Autumn Cleaning and Storage of Garden Tools

Autumn is when work in the garden slows down, the days become shorter, the weather cooler, and nature prepares for winter. It’s also the ideal time for thoroughly cleaning and storing your garden tools. With proper care and storage, you can extend their lifespan and ensure they are ready for use next spring.

Autumn Cleaning and Storage of Garden Tools

We have prepared some tips for cleaning and maintaining the most commonly used garden tools, along with product suggestions from the TKK Clean Protect line that will ensure efficient cleaning, protection, and maintenance.

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Shovels, hoes, and rakes

Soil tools are always exposed to dirt, fertilizers, and other materials that can cause wear and corrosion. Thorough cleaning is essential to keep these tools in good condition.

Lawn mower and hedge trimmers

Lawnmowers and hedge trimmers often come into contact with moisture, solid branches, and plant debris, which can cause dirt to build up on blades and mechanisms. Whether gas-powered or electric, these tools are often one of the biggest investments in garden equipment, making proper maintenance crucial.

  • How to clean: First, brush off dirt from the lawnmower. Then, use TKK Clean Protect Universal cleaner, which gently but effectively removes dirt and grass residues. For hedge trimmers, which have more precise mechanisms, the same cleaner is recommended.
  • Protection: After cleaning, apply TKK Clean Protect TK 40 to lubricate the moving parts and protect them from rust. This multi-purpose spray ensures your machine will run smoothly next season.

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Pruning shears and tree trimmers

Small but essential tools and pruning shears frequently come into contact with water, plant sap, and resin. Without proper cleaning, the blades can rust, and the tool may become stuck.

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Water hoses and watering cans

Hoses and watering cans are often exposed to water and minerals that can accumulate inside. As temperatures drop below freezing in winter, water inside hoses can freeze and cause the material to crack, so it’s essential to prepare and store them properly.

  • How to clean: Completely drain the hose, then clean it with TKK Clean Protect Universal cleaner, which removes deposits and minerals that could cause issues when reusing it.
  • Storage: Once dry, roll up the hose and store it in a dry place. The same goes for watering cans—clean and store them in a location protected from frost.

Power tools

Power tools, such as leaf blowers, drills, and other handheld tools, require special attention when cleaning and storing, as dust and moisture can accumulate inside, potentially causing malfunctions.

  • How to clean: Wipe down power tools with a dry cloth and use TKK Clean Protect Universal cleaner to clean external surfaces without damaging electrical components.
  • Protection: Use TKK Clean Protect TK 40 on movable parts and metal joints to ensure smooth operation and protection against corrosion.
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Screws, bolts, and other metal parts

Small metal components like screws, bolts, and joints are often overlooked but are crucial for the proper functioning of garden tools. These parts are most vulnerable to rust and wear, so they need to be carefully cleaned and protected.

Proper cleaning and storage of garden tools in the autumn months will save you time and money next spring when you need your tools again. With the help of products from the TKK Clean Protect (TK 40, PTFE, Universal Cleaner, and Industrial Cleaner), you can extend the life of your tools and ensure they operate flawlessly.

Whether you need protection from rust, easier cleaning, or lubrication of moving parts, TKK Clean Protect products will help keep your tools in top condition.

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